Here’s a compilation of most of my 61B materials from my four times TAing the course.
Intro to Java |
Pointers | |
Inheritance |
Exceptions, Packages, access modifiers | |
Iterators and Iterables | |
Asymptotics | |
Disjoint Sets | |
LLRBs, Hashing, Heaps | |
Tree Traversals, Tries, KD Trees | |
Graphs: DFS, BFS, Dijkstra's, A*, Prim's, Kruskal's | |
Sorting |
9/6/19: Maximum Subarray Sum in Linear Time
9/27/19: Dis 5 Slides (Dijkstra, Bellman Ford, Greedy Algorithms, MSTs)
Dis 11: Reductions & Complexity Classes
Dis 12: Approximation Algorithms
These lessons are interactive and come with programming exercises :)